After being on Ravelry for a little over a month I have realized a few things.
1. I have too much yarn that I can't do anything with. Seriously, with the exception of sock yarn, 90% of my stash is single balls which means I can make a lot of hats and not much else.
2. My Queue is substantial, and I will probably get distracted before I start, let alone finish, most of the project on there but I want every single item damnit!
3. I need to finish what I start. I have many WIPs that I really should finish, if for no other reason than to free up the needles so I can work on make those hats-a-plenty.
That said I am starting my new years resolution early (because I never keep the ones I start in January anyway). So here are the commandments of my destashing
First commandments: I am to buy no more yarn until I have used up my current stash. This isn't as big a deal as I think it is. Most of my stash fits in a medium sized wicker laundry basket, and several balls are chunky weight and clearly sock yarn doesn't count. Duh, I will never look at my sock yarn and think "wow, I have too much sock yarn. I should get rid of some." No, I am more likely to look at is and think of all the wonderfully beautiful socks I will one day develop the patience and attention to detail to knit. If sock yarn goes on sale, I am permitted to buy it and welcome it lovingly in to the fold. The same goes for Diamond Tempo, my favourite yarn of all time. In fact if it goes on sale, I have given myself permission to buy enough for a sweater, two hats, a scarf, two pairs of mittens and possibly an afghan.
Second commandment: I will cast on not a single new project until all the ones on my needles are done, except Donna's Christmas hat because I've already bought the yarn, swatched, and started the matching scarf. I consider them pieces of the same project, like socks lol.
Third commandment: When I completed all the WIPs I can start working on the stash. I will try and choose projects that challenge my patience and skills so I can be a better knitter. I will tacker on projects that require lace, complicated cable charts, miles of seed stitch (to test my patience), colour work. I will try new cast on and cast off techniques and try continental knitting though I suspect I will continue to hate it. If all else fails, I will make Rapunzel scarves and a giant ugly afghan just to get rid of the yarn! It must go and I am giving myself until my birthday to get rid of it.
Fourth Commandment: All new yarn bought after the destashing will be quality yarn that has more going for it than pretty colour and cheap price tag. Because wool bothers my skin during the winter (I am aware of the irony), synthetics ARE acceptable, but only quality ones, and preferably blended with something natural. Also, no more single balls will be bought for stashing purposes. I will buy enough to make at least a hat and mitt set. No more novelty yarn! Not a single ball! Yes its fuzzy, and I get a small amount of joy from playing with little fuzzy balls of yarn, I simply can't make anything but pygmy puffs out of them, and I already have a herd of them.
There, the four commandments. Of course all of this will have to wait cause I have a research project and take home exam due at the end of the week so no knitting for me. I do have one thing to show you though.

This is my first glove. It's all done now, I just haven't taken a picture of it. I even blocked it. Isn't is pretty? I'm calling it my vintage-y long woollen glove. Catchy isn't it? I'll work on its mate after I finish school work and Christmas knitting. I can hardly wait. I am 8 kinds of in love with the glove.