..but don't worry, I'm back on again. I was forced by life to put down my needles for a while. It seems that I am not super student and I cannot find the time to do a full year course in 6 weeks, while doing another full credit in 12 (meaning I completeled a course and a half in 6 weeks) while working part time and still find time to knit.
All that ended last Friday though when I wrote my final exam for the 6 weeks course. Now I only have class 6 hours a week instead of the 21 I was doing before, and I'm getting better at my job so its less stressful then before. Combine that with pay cheques and hello knitting!!
I had my wisdom teeth taken out last Tuesday. Yes, all of them. I had four and apprently two of them really didn't want to come out so I've been home bound and drugged out of my mind since Tuesday afternoon. During that rather unfortunate time I managed to do what I thought was impossible. Yes people, I finally did it. I knit a sock.
This ridiculous piece of knitting was done on size 3 DPNS with Bernat Sox (75% acrylic 25% nylon) that I'm fairly certain has been discontinued in a colour that I have long forgotten on the name of. But there it is and as much as I insult the sock, I am rather proud of it. I never thought I'd be able to do but now that I can, I think I'm going to be knitting a lot more of them. I've already bought a few balls of Parton's Kroy to make some lovely warm wooly socks for my little sister and freakishly long cold monkey toes.
Also, in my return to knitting I've made a few dishcloths in the shape of cupcakes. I like them. I'll have to remember to take a picture and get around to posting a pattern eventually because they are quite cool. They are actually shaped like cupcakes, none of that purl embossing crap. I made one of those dish clothes and I've decided I am not a fan of them.
And as a finally note on my progess as a knitter, even though I have put the Janda hoodie on hold until fall when I can hold it without my hands getting all sweaty and gross, I have started a new garment. A smaller one for a small person. I'm making the Monica Tank from Knitty.com for my nearly 3 year olf niece (http://knitty.com/ISSUEspring07/PATTmonica.html). She's all excited. I decided to knit it in Lion Brand Cotton Ease because according to her mother, wool of any kind makes her itchy and red, not to mention how much easier a cotton/acrylic blend is to clean. So I let the adorable niece pick which colours she wanted her new 'Princess Shirt' (as she calls it) to me. She picked Pink and Terra Cotta. We all laughed and asked her if she was sure. She said no, then picked purple and yellow. We laughed again and started giving suggestions.
It was finally decided that the princess shirt absolutly must be Pink and White so that it would look like a Sleeping Beauty shirt. So thats what the adorable niece is getting. The body if the tank is white and the ruffle is pink. I've half way though the front of the body. I think its excellent progress. If I keep this up, the niece could be wearing it by Friday!