It's close to 10pm, I have a final in 12 and a half hours and I have yet to read 4 articles or review my notes. Am I studying? Nope, I'm blogging about my failed sock. The sock in question is the lacy mock cable sock that I have been knitting for two weeks, though I've probably only put 6 or 7 hours worth of work in to it. It was a rather quick knit. None of that matters though because the sock was a failure, and not just a single failure. No there are three glaring problems with this sock. To be fair though, two of them are my own fault.
Problem the first:
Problem the Second:
It's too small. At least a whole inch too small for my foot. The solution to both is to undo the grafting, rip the toe, knit another inch of pattern, then d the toe over again. It sound simple, but I hate picking up live stitches and the pattern prevents a lifeline from being added. So I have to decide it its worth it which brings us to problem the third.
It makes my ankle look fat. See that foot over there, that's my foot and normal its a very cute foot with a very nice ankle. This sock makes me look like I have Cankle. Not a good quality in a sock that I planned on wearing with ballet flats and thus would be visible. Tis quite the dilemma. I need help deciding what to do. Maybe I'll attapt the cable/lace pattern to a hat or scarf.