1. Lost old job, needed new job, found new job, new job sucks but it pays.
2. School is kicking my ass largely because I'm letting it since my brain is tired.
3. I started a sweater. Yes another. This time I am am trying Tempting from knitty spring 04 ( i think). Smaller than Janda and since its all ribbing, a more interesting knit. I've made progress.
4. I'm a bit lazy.
That's all. On to pictures!!
I also mentioned walmart and a wamrhead in my last post but I never got around to taking pictures of those things. I will tell you that I have become a fan of kool aid dying (hense walmart) and I went on a hat bender last month. I made 2 caloriemtries using my own hand dyed, a ravenclaw beret (also from charmed knits) and a pixie hat from knit wits. They are all awesome and mean that I have a very warm nogin.
Next Post: The Giant Green Thing.