Monday, January 14, 2008

Still on Track!

Classes start again and I am in the middle of a living space reorganization, but I have doing well on my knitting resolutions!

Still making progress in the Wisp, though I have slowed. I'm on the 12th repeat, after being distracted by Clapotis and life for about a week. I'm hoping to finish the Wisp by the end of the week. I maybe actually do it to! Wouldn't that be a miracle? I did hit a snag. I broke yet another pair of circs. I don't know how I do it, it must be a talent. But the point is I am now knitting Wisp with nothing but the two little points. I'm too cheap to buy a new set of needles so I have to make due.

On the Clapotis front I am still making progress. I'm on the 4th repeat of the third section. I must say, those dropped stitches are so much damn fun. I love them! I almost wish there were more, but then there would be no knitting, just dropped stitches and that's not very practical.

Back to the resolution track, I am still doing well! I haven't bought any new yarn, not counting the few balls of sock yarn, since last year. (Shut up, everyone knows sock yarn doesn't count) I even went through mt knitting books, bookmarked patterns on line and stash on Ravelry and earmarked each yarn for a particular pattern or project. It seems less daunting now. Not counting the socks, I have about 4-6 months of knitting ahead of it. But we all know I'll be distracted by socks, so I'm probably set until next fall.

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