Sunday, October 28, 2007

Swaps are fun

I have actually been knitting like a fiend since my last post, but I can't tell you cause they've all been for swaps. Hopefully one of my partners will recieve this week so I can post the coolest swap project I've completed to date. The others you'll have to wait for cause the send outs aren't until the end of the month.

I can tell you that I've found a new pattern for the lorna's laces I bought on a whime this summer that I thought wanted to be jaywalkers socks, but they lied. Now they want to be Tropicana socks (I like magknits sock patterns, so sue me lol). I only have about 4 inches of the first ankle so far, but they look and feel lovely! I'll be bringing them in the car for the long trip to Buffalo next week so maybe I'll get to the heel! I jot of joys! The heae!

Stay Tuned!

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